
Our Purpose

The overall purpose of our Student Ministry is TRANSFORMATION. We want to lead students to know Jesus and to be transformed into Christ's image so that they will make a difference in eternity.

We believe that the Great Commission (Jesus' last words before ascending into Heaven) should be the driving force of everything we do in leading through this transformation process.




Our Student Ministry is built around this principle that comes from the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20): Go and make disciples (so that they might BELIEVE), baptize those disciples (so that they might BELONG), and teach those disciples (so that they might BECOME).


Oftentimes before a person can BELIEVE, they need to BELONG.  Jesus modeled this for us in the New Testament. He called disciples to specifically follow Him (BELONG) for several years before many of them ever BELIEVED He was who He was...before they really got it. We've personally observed this over and over again with students over the years. Lots of times, students need to be loved and feel they BELONG, before they will ever BELIEVE/receive Christ.  That's our goal here at FBC White Hall...to love students where they are so they can BELIEVE who Jesus is and BECOME more like Him.


One of the ways we lead students down this path is with our weekly services. Each service is different because we are trying to lead students to a different place. 


  • CROSSWALK  (Wednesdays 6:30-8PM) is an environment where we love students where they BELONG so that they might BELIEVE in Christ.  
  • MEET UP  (Sundays 9-10:15AM) is a place where we teach students who BELIEVE in Christ how they can grow and BECOME like Christ. 
  • IGNITE  (Sundays 6-7:30PM)is a time where we lead our students who are BECOMING like Christ to reach out and serve in to the community to love/help others BELONG to Christ.


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